Best Solution with Advanced Bot To set your own auto-reply code, send messages, And Automatic Message Replies and Generate And Filter WhatsApp Contact Numbers quickly, You can Do Marketing And Increase Sales Very Easily with Just One click, without Any Problems.
Open WhatsApp More Account on Same Desktop Windows & Run Campaign Continuously
- Blast WA to groups
- Blast WA to Personal no, Even does not save in contacts.
- Filter Numbers WA exist or not. High Speed Filter.
- Import export Number support Excel, Txt & CSV file to your computer.
- Generate Database WA Num. Worldwide.
- Grab Numbers from your Chatting WhatsApp record.
- Grab Numbers from Groups.
- Sending WA with Safe mode. Anti-Ban included.
- Auto Reply feature.
- Command Auto Reply setting. Able to set your own command.
- Antiban Features & Trick to Unban number. No Number will be ban anymore.
- Secure & More Stable.
- Support Regular & Multi Device Mode.
- Easy to use. Run campaign 24 hours even your WA phone Offline. No more loss connection issue. Yes, even though your phone internet disconnected.
☑️ Peniaga Online
☑️ Ushahawan
☑️ Ahli Politik (Now musim PRU ramai sangat beli)
☑️ Parti Politik
☑️ Schools or University
☑️ Companies dan Semua Syarikat Yang nak nampak Whatsapp lebih Profesional
☑️ Klinik Swasta
☑️ Any Organizations. NGO.
☑️ All WhatsApp User. Regular / Business account.
For you to improve anything in your business, including:
It’s not limited to anything, it doesn’t take long, it doesn’t need to be complicated
If you work in one or similar to the above professions & you still don’t use WhatsApp automation,. then this means you are giving your competitors a chance to come in and build a better relationship with your customers before you do.
WhatsApp Marketing is the best way for you to connect with your customers and turn leads into customers
So if you want to build a direct relationship with your customers and make them buy again and again, then Whatsapp is the BEST automation system that you must have.